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Sita's Kitchen

Writer : Raghav Khanna

Edited By : NA

Compiled By : NA

Translated By : NA

Publishers : Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd

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  • Genre : Literature>Mythological/Religious Fictions
  • Publication Year : 2021
  • ISBN No : 978-93-55201-89-8
  • Binding : Paper Back
  • Pages : 224
  • Weight : 230 gms
  • Height x Width x Depth : 7.7x5.1x0.5 Inch
MRP : ₹295.00/- Discount : 15% Off
Your Price : ₹251.00/-
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About the Book

A coming of age story ,a journey of a self- taught chef from the Himalayas as she navigates the cut throat world of gourmet kitchen. She was told, ‘Girls belong in the kitchen’, but her destiny was to rule it as a chef. London-based restaurateur Arun and his assistant Ben are on a business trip. They stop at a roadside café in Himachal Pradesh and are astonished with its European looks and Italian menu. A cynical Arun samples a dish and is blown away by its authenticity. His astonishment turns into disbelief when he learns that the cook is Sita, a simple mountain girl who has never in her life stepped outside her village. Ever since her mother passed away, Sita started helping her deaf-mute father run their small tea stall. Sita loves cooking and when a travelling Italian chef gifts her a cookbook, the passion becomes an obsession. Aided by YouTube videos, Sita soon revamps the tea stall and turns it into an elfin café. Arun recognizes Sita’s extraordinary talents and convinces her to move to London and become a chef at his restaurant. However, Sita’s lack of professional training is soon apparent. Help comes in the form of Anwar Khan, a veteran butcher, who takes a floundering Sita under his wings. She embarks on a journey, navigating the cut-throat and often ugly world of gourmet chefs where gender conventions and racial undercurrents can make or break careers. As she strives to carve a niche for herself, Arun starts feeling differently towards Sita. Just when Sita starts believing in her special destiny, one incident alters her inside out and leads her to rediscovering herself.