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What Happened to Netaji

Writer : Anuj Dhar

Edited By : NA

Compiled By : NA

Translated By : NA

Publishers : Vitasta Publishing Private Limited

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  • Genre : Essays>Judicial / Political / Legislative System Analysis
  • Publication Year : 2015
  • ISBN No : 978-9382711889
  • Binding : No Binding Available
  • Pages : 294
  • Weight : 499 gms
  • Height x Width x Depth : 8.5x5.5x0.5 Inch
MRP : ₹425.00/- Discount : 22% Off
Your Price : ₹330.00/-
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About the Book

From the best-selling author of India’s Biggest Cover-up In 2013, the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court described as ‘genuine and based on relevant material’, Anuj Dhar’s writings regarding the controversy surrounding the fate of Subhas Chandra Bose So, what really happened to Netaji? What is the factual position with regard to the air crash that reportedly killed him in 1945? Is there any truth behind Subramaniam Swamy's belief that Netaji was killed in Soviet Russia at Jawaharlal Nehru's behest? How do the biggest names of the past and present, from Mahatma Gandhi and Vallabhbhai Patel to President Pranab Mukherjee and Atal Bihari Vajpayee fare in India's longest running controversy? Who was Gumnami Baba of Faizabad and if indeed he was Netaji, why did he not surface? Above all, what is preventing the Narendra Modi government from declassifying the Netaji files? the answer would make you believe that truth is stranger than fiction.