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Prelims Possible IAS & State PCS Pre Exam India & World Geography 310+ Solved Papers (2024-1990)

Edited By : NA

Compiled By : NA

Translated By : NA

Publishers : Arihant Publications

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  • Genre : Competitive Exam>UPSC / State PSC / SSC(Central & State)
  • Publication Year : NA
  • ISBN No : 978-9364373951
  • Binding : Paper Back
  • Pages : 762
  • Weight : 1111 gms
  • Height x Width x Depth : 11.5x8.5x2 Inch
MRP : ₹740.00/- Discount : 25% Off
Your Price : ₹555.00/-
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About the Book


Division of the Entire Book into 3 Major Topics

Prelims PYQs Bullets


  1. Chapterwise Topicwise Division: The accurate division of chapters and topics has been done to understand all the chapters and topics in a more elaborate manner
  2. Multiple References: This feature has been given for the frequently asked questions in the examinations to assess the importance of the question
  3. Topical Mindmap: Complete theory in Mindmap format for quick revision of all the topics
  4. Detailed Explanation: For each question, a detailed explanation has been provided to understand each and every aspect of the question
  5. 5000+ Questions: Around 5000+ questions are compiled from 310+ papers
  6. Knowledge Plus: This feature has been given with the typical questions of IAS to understand the concept easily
  7. 5000+ PYQs Bullets: Provided at the end of the book, which covers questions of the entire book in one-liner format to revise all PYQs facts quickly


  1. A collection of PYQs: IAS & State PCS previous years’ questions book for Indian & World Geography
  2. Exam Trend: With each chapter exam trend is provided to revise each chapter and topic to the point
  3. Coverage of PYQs: In each chapter PYQs of past years are given in theoretical flow
  4. 1000+ questions in QR code: Scan the QR code to practice 1000+ questions