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Soisobkalin Bridhhi O Bikash (B.Ed 1st Sem- Child Psycho)

Edited By : NA

Compiled By : NA

Translated By : NA

Publishers : Rita Publication

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  • Genre : Educational>D.El.Ed/B.Ed./M.Ed.
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About the Book




1st Half: Development and its Characteristics

Unit I: Growth and Developmental Pattern of Learners:

·         Concept of growth and development

·         General characteristics of growth and development

·         Stages and sequence of growth and development

·         Social factors that affect growth and development-poverty, lack of opportunities, deprivation, disrupted family, poor neighbourhood, poor housing

 Unit II: Stages of Development:

·         Different stages of development–infancy, childhood, adolescence, Adulthood.

·         Adolescence–Physical development, Emotional development, Cognitive development.

·         Needs and problems of adolescents, their guidance and counseling

 Unit III: Different types of Development:

·         Cognitive development—Piaget’s theory and its educational implications.

·         Psycho-sexual development—Freud’s Theory.

·         Psycho social development—Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development.

·         Moral and pro social development—Kohlberg’s theory.

·         Development of self-concept and personal identity.

·         Communication and speech development—paralinguistic and linguistic stages of development.

 Unit IV: Individual Differences:

·         Role of heredity, environment including physical and socio cultural factors.

·         Nutrition.

·         Child rearing practices and Family.

 Unit V: Development of Personality:

·         Concept of Personality, types and traits of personality.

·         Trait theories (Eysenck and Cattell’s 16 factor, Five factor).

·         Measurement of personality (Self-report and projective techniques).

2nd Half: Aspects of Development

Unit I: Concept, nature, interrelationship and educational implications of:

·         Instincts and Emotions

·         Emotional Intelligence

·         Attitude and Attachment

Unit II: Motivation:

·         Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

·         Theories of Motivation—Maslow, Weiner and McClelland.

·         Factors affecting Motivation—Self Efficacy, Locus of Control, Anxiety, Curiosity and their classroom implications.

Unit III: Attention and Interest:

·         Concept of attention, determinants of attention and their classroom application

·         Attention span and its fluctuation, distraction. Interest and its relation with attention

 Unit IV: Intelligence:

·         Concept and nature, its distribution across population.

·         Factor theories of intelligence (Guilford, Thurston and Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligence).

·         Measurement of intelligence (Verbal and non-verbal tests of intelligence).

·         Intelligence quotient and education.

 Unit V: Creativity:

·         Concept of creativity

·         Components of creativity

·         Its identification and nurturance.